Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 11: The Hardest Days Part II


Day 11 (of 40)
When they said that these were going to be the hardest days they meant because we would be the most prone to want to give in to temptation. If you read yesterday's post, you'll know that wasn't the hardest part for me. It was dealing with a setback that was the result of an unintentional poor choice I made. I'm not even that upset with having to add 10 days to the program--I'm upset because I tried SOOOO hard, and it wasn't good enough. 

The lesson I learned made me look at a lot of things differently. I liken my emotional reaction to this to the way one of my students may feel when they study hard, are attentive in class, and do the best that they know how and still get a score lower than they expected on an assignment. I need to not only teach them how to better prepare for the next assessment, but I have to do it in a way that supports their psychological and emotional needs, also. 

We are humans. We are beautifully flawed. We make choices-intentional or not-that aren't always in our best interest. We need support from other beautifully flawed humans. 

So, on a happier note, I'm feeling a LOT better. I'm sleeping better, I have more energy, and it doesn't hurt as much to sit down anymore. (see Day 9) AND I was finally able to get into my classroom and do some work today.

I will try to catch up on some yummy foods I've tried this week in one of the weekend blogs. Right now I'm going to watch Big Brother and go to bed so I can get up and get my room prepped for our new school year!



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