Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 3: The Hangover-Part II

Day 3: The Hangover-Part II

Life Goals

Today is supposed to be the second day of the Hangover Phase. It didn't bother me too much yesterday, so let's hope today is okay, too.

I keep forgetting to post my goals, so I'm doing it now before I forget.
  • Break the psychological addictions I have with food and it's hold over me
  • Get my cholesterol, blood pressure, and other body numbers where they should be and get off the BP meds
  • Get my gut in order without all these "tummy issues" and get off the acid reflux meds
  • Get rid of these mood swings! ARGH!
  • Be able to put on my socks and tie my shoes without having to think about how I'm going to reach my feet
  • Feel like doing more than sitting on the couch all day--I need energy!
  • Get rid of the achiness in my joints and muscles and have increased flexibility so it doesn't hurt to bend over and pick something up off the floor
  • Move down a pant size (for now, but eventually, I'd like to be down 4 pant sizes)
  • Feel good about myself
I'm a little worried about today. I have meetings at 1:00 and at 3:00. The 3:00 meeting is a BBQ at my principal's house for the leadership committee. I know they will have yummy food, and I'm not too worried about being able to resist, I'm just worried about getting really hungry. I'm taking a chopped salad for my dish to pass, and I am bringing my own protein (chicken thighs), but I'm not going to like seeing all the other yumminess.

My daily email also said that today was the day that it was okay to take a power nap in the afternoon. Great. I get permission to nap, and I have meetings. That won't be happening. Now I feel grumpy about that.

Okay, enough grumping for now. I'm not feeling too horribly this morning. I did sleep pretty well (I got my pillow back from the resort, but that's a different story), but I woke up to use the restroom and I couldn't get back to sleep for 2 hours in the middle of the night. No headache this morning, just a little groggy and grumpy. And a really bad case of bed head. Time to make some breakfast!

Ugh, I am so tired of chicken thighs. I won't have time to do much tonight, but tomorrow I have to find something new to eat. It feels like I've been eating chicken thighs, shredded sweet potato and roasted beets for weeks. (That was my breakfast, by the way).

Well, I made it through the BBQ. It was harder than I thought it'd be. Everything looked so GOOD! I did have a good plate of food, too. I took a couple burger patties, had a large serving of chopped salad, and was able to eat some fresh fruit that someone else brought. I had people ask me to make them a chopped salad, so I guess that was a hit.

Today was pretty good altogether. I'm a little hungry now. I ate some veggies for a snack tonight because we ate dinner so early. I have to go to bed early tonight because the people will be here at the crack of dawn to build our garage. I can't wait. We've been waiting a long time for this.

My hangover phase was not bad. I'm hoping it's not just delayed. Every day is a new experience. I'm going to experiment with some new recipes tomorrow. I'll let you know how they go. TTFN!


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