Sunday, August 24, 2014

Days 15-21: Tiger Blood!


I love tigers.

And I can't believe it's been an entire week since my last blog! oops. I read in the Whole30 Daily today that it takes 66 days to really form a new habit. I guess I'm not doing so well in the blogging habit department.

BUT...I am doing GREAT in the Whole30 department! 

I am continuing to have all the positive results they promised, and some have gotten even better. I don't have 'slumps' during the day or evening where I get tired. I have energy--not so crazy that I want to run a marathon or anything, but way more than I did have. It's my version of tiger blood, I guess. Sometimes I'm not even that tired when it's time for bed, but I make myself go to bed anyway. No more lying awake tossing and turning (even when I didn't think I was tired yet). My eyes close almost as soon as my head hits the bed, and I'd probably stay that way until morning if it wasn't for my darn bladder waking me up once every night. At least I'm getting my share of water consumption in!

It's not all sunshine and lollipops, though. Fridays are HARD. For the last few years Friday has been our night to go out--nothing fancy, just a Chinese buffet or pizza--but it was a night where I could come home after a long week at work and know that I didn't have to worry about cooking anything. Well, the first week of school (with kids) is now in the history books, and when Friday came along all I could think about was everything I COULDN'T have at the buffet. I got myself into a real funk.

Yes, I can find things to eat at restaurants--it's just not easy. Melissa did it. My sweet little girl sent me a text Friday night from her Chinese buffet. She didn't make the rest of her family stay at home and suffer. She was able to stay away from everything but the fruit and salad without dressing--I can do it too. I just don't wanna. It is easier for me if I just stay away from temptation--but that isn't sustainable. I have to do it. I just don't think I'll start at a buffet where I could end up on a binge. I'm going to do some research this week, and this Friday we are going to go out to a restaurant. I might end up sounding like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally, but I'm going to do it. (Click on the link for the food ordering scene--don't worry, I won't be ordering pie)

Do I feel my body changing? Maybe slightly. My pants that were getting really tight last spring fit better now. They're not falling off or anything, but it might be small progress. I haven't started exercising yet--that comes after next week--so I don't really feel more flexible or anything. My joints might not ache quite as much, but there aren't any major changes, yet.

Now that I'm on day 21, I'm starting to think about how to handle the transition. Even though I read that I didn't have to add 10 more days because of the Listerine breath strips, I know that I'm not going to be ready to stop after day 30. I have habits that are too ingrained. As of right now, here's the plan:

  1. I am starting to research the Paleo lifestyle--I'm hoping that I can slowly switch to that 
  2. This Friday we're going out to eat--I need to learn how to order and realize that I can enjoy eating at a restaurant without ordering the most unhealthy meal on the menu.
  3. Starting on day 31, I'm adding some exercise to the plan--probably starting out with walking.
  4. I also need to work on flexibility. I found some videos to help people who are all 'locked up' so I'm going to start working on my hips, back, and shoulders
  5. This week I'm trying out zucchini noodles to see if they work in place of pasta for me. I really don't want to add grains back in, but I miss pasta a lot.
  6.  I found a local farmer who will sell a cow in as little as 1/8 a cow. Now that we have a garage, I'd like to invest in a chest freezer so we can order our meat in bulk.
  7. This week I'm going to pack up some of the pre-packaged convenience food that's in our cupboards to give to all the food drives that will soon be starting. I feel a little guilty for pawning off unhealthy food, though.
  8. I will most likely not continue to worry about foods with added sugars like ham, bacon, etc., but I will continue to stay away from sugary treats. Those were never that difficult for me to stay away from to begin with. I am more aware now about those hidden sugars, so I will only eat those foods in moderation.
  9. Paleo allows dairy. That is probably the first food group that I will try to reintroduce. I don't drink milk, I can make my own mayo, but cheese...oh cheese...I do miss you a little--especially on pizza.
Well, it's a start. It's nice to see (I was about to say the end, but it's not the end) a new beginning in sight. I'm excited to see what the next 10 days have in store, and I REALLY can't wait to pull out that scale 10 days from now. I know, I know, it's not supposed to be about weight, and I'm trying to prepare myself so I'm not crushed, but I still can't wait.

Oh, in case you were poop is great, too.


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